Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cost Of Publishing a Book - Evaluating the Expenses Involved With Self Publishing

Many aspiring authors don’t understand the real cost of publishing a book. Most people think you can just write your book, get someone to edit the book for a few dollars, and get it published through a self-publishing company. The truth is that there are many other costs associated with book publishing that you need to calculate if you want to have a successful book launch.

In today’s digital age, there are many new ways to promote your products. The first cost associated with printing your own book is the time associated with writing the book. How much time do you want to spend writing the book? What is your opportunity cost? If you write a book and have a business, will your business lose money while you are away writing your book? Do you have time to write your book? It is very difficult to write a book when you are working 60 hours a week and have young children at home. Don’t neglect your family time while you are writing your book.

When you are determining the cost of publishing a book, you will need to calculate the costs of designing a book cover for your new book. Most authors are not graphic designers, so this is a cost that you should calculate in your publishing expenses. They say that you should never judge a book by its cover, but the truth is that people will judge your book by the cover. The book cover is the first impression people get when they see your book. A great book cover could increase sales of your book. A bad cover implies your book is cheap or not worth reading.

The upfront cost of publishing a book is also influenced by many smaller factors. You should definitely pay a professional editor to review your book. No one is going to take your book seriously if there are lots of spelling and grammar errors in your work. Good editors are going to cost you money, but a great editor is worth every penny.

The cost of publishing a book is often underestimated when it comes to marketing. You should spend a lot of time and money in marketing your book. Do not assume people are just going to buy your book. If you are not someone who is already well known, you need to consider spending money on advertising costs.

There are many ways to advertise your book. If you are writing a Christian book, you could publish it through a Christian self-publishing company. Self-publishing companies have the expertise to advertise your book in places where you can get the most exposure. They can advertise your book on various online websites, and they have the clout to get your book in traditional bookstores too. You could advertise your book on various online niche forums that are related to your book. If you have written a novel, there are various websites where you can share your novel with other readers. Most people never sell many copies of their book because they don’t understand the power of advertising. The largest cost of publishing a book should be your advertising and marketing expenses.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Christian Employment Opportunities - A Few Tips For Finding A Christian Job

Are you looking for Christian employment opportunities? If you are having a hard time finding a job, I can understand exactly how you feel. There are many people who are having trouble finding work today. The economy is still not generating jobs, and people that have been unemployed for a year are losing their unemployment benefits. If you are someone who is out of work right now, I’m sure that your job situation feels hopeless right now. No matter how bad your situation is, there are ways you can find a job pretty quickly.

Simply submitting your resume to career websites doesn’t work today.

As technology has advanced, it is easier than ever for people to submit resumes all over the place. This is awesome because you can quickly submit your resume for thousands of different jobs within a short period of time. The problem is that everyone else can easily submit lots of resumes too. It will take you a lot longer to find a job if you only submit your resume to a million job sites. You will have to do a lot more to get noticed among all the resumes that businesses receive. When you use sites like to find Christian employment opportunities, you can find Christian companies, but don’t stop after you send your resume.

Contact the companies and organizations where you really want to work by phone.

There are many Christian employment opportunities on career websites, but you need to contact these businesses and organizations by phone. Over 90 % of people simply send a resume and get lost in the shuffle. Most organizations receive hundreds of resumes a day from the job websites. There is no way all of these resumes are reviewed. When you are looking for Christian employment opportunities, follow up with all of the companies and organizations where you send a resume.

Call up churches and other Christian businesses and ask about employment opportunities.

Statistics show that over 80% of job opportunities are never publicized anywhere. Some of the best jobs around are not advertised. For this reason, it is very important to call up churches and other Christian businesses to see if they are hiring for new positions.

Ask your friends about Christian employment opportunities, or ask them to help you look for a job.

People that have a lot of friends have many advantages when they are looking for Christian employment opportunities. If you surround yourself with a lot of Christian friends, you have an even better chance to find a new job. Let your friends know that you are looking for a new job, as they may be able to refer you to great opportunities.

There are many Christian small businesses you could check out too. You do not have to work in a church if you want a job working with Christians. Check out Christian job websites to see some of the companies advertising on these sites. Businesses that post ads on Christian employment websites are definitely looking for Christians to join their businesses. If you are looking for Christian employment opportunities, there are many churches, businesses, and organizations that are hiring today.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Christian Publishing Companies Can Help You Sell Your Own Book

Christian publishing companies are seeing increasing demand for Christian books today.  People are getting sick of everything happening in our culture, and they are looking for information from a Christian perspective.  Hollywood and the media are dominated by people who do not stand for Christian values.  Violence, foul language, and sexual perversion dominate movies, television, and video games.  Parents are looking for Christian literature for their children, and adults are looking for guidance on finances, relationships, and family.  This has opened the door for Christians to provide alternatives for family friendly books from a Christian perspective.

Christian publishing companies say there are a few book topics that are in high demand today.

1.       Books on the end times and the second coming of Christ sell very well.
The signs of the times are everywhere.  Corruption in our world today has never been worse.  Advances in technology have made it easier than ever for the media to expose us to all forms of corruption.  The media has desensitized people to accept violence and perversion on television and the internet.  Many of the world economies are having major financial issues.  This has led to a huge increase in people reading books on the last days.  People want to understand the prophecies in Revelation, and they want to be ready when Jesus returns. 

An aspiring author could spend their entire career writing about the last days.  You could write a book about handling finances and preparing for the coming economic collapse.  Other books could discuss survival skills from a Christian perspective if things get really bad in the world economy.  Most people today don’t have the skills they will need if food becomes scarce.  Christian publishing companies love to see books that study the prophecies in Revelations and how they relate to events today.  

2.       Write a book about raising a Christian family.
Parents face many challenges in today’s world.  It seems like it is virtually impossible to raise a Christian family when they are exposed to television, music, and the internet every day.  Kids that go to public schools are exposed to liberal philosophies every day. 
For this reason, there is a huge demand from parents looking for information about trying to raise a family in today’s world.  Books that teach parents how to raise a family in today’s crazy world are selling very well today.

3.       Sell a book about Christian marriages.
Marriages are in trouble in our churches today.  Christian publishing companies want to see more books on Biblical marriage advice.  The divorce rates among Christians are just as high as the rest of society.  Christians have a long ways to go when it comes to understanding spouses in marriage. 

4.      Books on handling finances from a Christian perspective sell well in today’s crazy world. 
The economic climate of our world has caused a lot of stress in the home today.   There are lots of ways to make money, but many of these methods are immoral.  Christian couples need sound financial advice.  Churches have dropped the ball in providing sound financial advice, and there is a demand for books on handling finances from a Christian perspective.  

Christian publishing companies are looking for new authors to meet the growing demands of Christian parents trying to raise a family in a corrupt world.  More and more people are turning to Christian voices for a fresh perspective on the world’s events.  You can self-publish a book fast when you work with Christian publishing companies.