Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Getting a Book Published - You Better Finish Your Book for These Four Reasons

Learn all about getting a book published!

Are you getting a book published?  Every year, there are thousands of books that never get published!  Many authors will start writing a book, but then they never get around to finishing it.  Some authors write fiction novels that are good enough to be turned into blockbuster movies.  Other authors write great informative books that people would be willing to pay good money to read.   Some of the most famous authors in the world became famous they learned how to network and market themselves.  If you can learn how to effectively market your work, you can become a full-time author! 
Here are four reasons why getting a book published should be your major goal. 

1.        When you publish your work, you are instantly seen as an expert on the subject.  
It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the first thing about your subject matter before you write your book.  Once the book is published, people will look to you as the expert!  There is a perception within society that someone who writes a book must be a major expert, so they will come to you for advice and direction! 
Some people will even be seen as an expert on a subject simply because they have a professional looking website!  There have been instances where so-called “experts” get on television after major disasters simply because they have a blog or major website on the topic.
You don’t have to have a degree on every topic to be seen as an expert.  Just get your book published!
2.       Major publishers could find your work and want to make a deal with you!
Most authors work for many years to get noticed by the publishing companies.  They usually publish several books before they ever get noticed by anyone.  If you really want to get noticed, you should plan to self-publish and market your books for years before getting signed on with a major publishing company.

3.       You can make money selling your book once it is published.
Once your book is done, it is time to start marketing your work!  There is a lot of work involved in getting your publication noticed by people, but some people will buy your book!  The reason that most people never become full-time authors is that they don’t know how to properly market themselves or their books.

4.       Marketing your book has never been easier with all of the advances in technology.  
Sites like have made the steps to getting a book published easier than ever!  You do not have to be the guy who is hauling all of his books in the back of the van.  You can market your books online and offline too. 
Advances in technology have made it easy for self-publishing companies to get your book printed in small quantities or large quantities fast.  It is not like in the old days where it would take weeks or months to get one book published! 
Getting a book published is the crowning achievement for aspiring authors.  There is nothing quite like seeing a professional book published with your name on it.  Work with a self-publishing company to get your first book done, as they can help you with all the details of getting your work done. 

How to Get Published When No One Cares About Your Stupid Book

Go here if you really want to know how to get your book published. 

If you want to know how to get your book published, then we need to start with this simple fact.  No one cares about your stupid book!  Getting someone to read your book that you have labored over for months or even years is much harder than you think!  I know this myself because I have personally written a how to guide.  I spent months on this work of art.  I couldn’t wait to get it done so everyone could read it.  I made sure the book was hundreds of pages because I wanted it to include everything!  I finally finished it, and then I gave it to a few of my friends to read.  Nobody would read the entire book for various reasons. 

I share this story with you because I want you to understand how most people think.  Most of us are selfish and have busy lives!  We don’t have time to sit down and read hundreds of pages about topics we don’t really care about.  This is the point I am trying to get across to you today!  If you are serious about becoming known as an author, you need to write on topics people care about. 

These are the four reasons why no one cares about your stupid book!

1.       They are not interested in your topic or fiction novel. 
Only people who love reading fiction care about fiction novels.  If you are serious about wanting to make it big as a fiction writer, you’ll need to connect with people who love reading fiction.  If you are writing on strategies to pass the bar exam, then you will need to connect with law students who are concerned about the big exam they have to pass.  If you really want to know how to get your book published, write about topics people care about!

2.       People are inherently lazy. 
Let’s be frank for a second.  People are really lazy and don’t want to read your book.  They would rather watch the latest DVD movies, play the newest hottest video game, or read some other guy’s book before they read your book.  Your parents still love you, but if you give them a 300 page book about how to start an SEO business, they may not feel like spending time on your book. 
3.       You are not a well-known author.
Making a full-time living as an author is similar to being an actor or musician.  Most serious authors pursuing their dream are broke!   Building credibility takes time, and it usually takes years to establish yourself as an authority on any topic. 

4.       Your sales copy is terrible. 
Copywriting is a developed skill.  If you are selling your book on your website, then your copy needs to be flawless.  If you are selling a how-to book, then your copy needs to convince people why they need to buy your book.  It doesn’t matter how great your book is.  If the sales copy on your website doesn’t convince potential customers they need to buy your book, your sales are going to suffer. 

Now that you are know the four reasons why no one cares about your stupid book, here is how to get your book published.

Before you spend thousands of hours writing your how-to guide on a soap making business, find out if there is a real market for your book.  Use the Google keyword tool to see how many people are looking up information on your topic every month.  As long as there is some traffic for the keywords you research, you should be able to find people to buy your book.  

Use a self-publishing company to get published quickly.  Physical books are still seen as a greater authority than EBooks.  Serious authors always publish a physical copy of their books.  Most famous authors got their start through self-publishers, and this is the route you will want to take too.  This is how to get your book published even when no one cares about your stupid book!